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How to Increase Organic Traffic by Picking the Low Hanging Fruits

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

This piece will discuss how to increase organic traffic and what it means to you as a business owner. Also outlined, we will share easy winning optimization tips for your business to rank high on search engines.

Organic traffic is visitors that land on your website pages from unpaid sources considered free traffic. Organic sources here include search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

The term or concept in digital marketing that focuses on improving organic traffic is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short. It increases website trust and tends to have a better conversion rate than paid traffic because individual searchers looking for a specific thing online have a better intent for organic searches. In addition, the ROI for organic traffic is very high since it is semi-permanent compared to paid ads. Paid traffic stops after you stop paying Google, which I will explain later in this article.

How to increase organic traffic?

Consider the term low hanging fruits as a metaphor for easy quick fixes on your website that requires your immediate attention. Once these low hanging fruits (search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities) are identified, then pick them apart and make adjustments that produce ripe delectable results (your business appearing on page #1 on search engines like Google and Bing). If this is exciting news to you continue reading for more SEO juice.

How to increase organic traffic
Pick the low hanging fruits on your website.

Managing your business initiative and developing an online presence takes time and effort. Many small business owners spend a tremendous amount of time and money to design, develop, and build a productive e-commerce store. Owners may find themselves disappointed in the results after their efforts. In many cases, they spend thousands of dollars using SEO agencies that simply do not deliver ROI for your business. In other cases, e-commerce stores purchase paid traffic that may or may not work based on other unknown variables. Buying site visitors using Bing, Facebook, or Google Advertisements is usually a chance of luck. Additionally, buying traffic only grants results during the periods of your Ad campaign duration and not a sustainable long-term plan. Once the Ads stops, traffic to your website is also halted. However, building a long-term strategy with a solid On-Page SEO effort will create long months or even years of organic website traffic without paying a dime.

Whether you are developing your own business website with our SEO classes or outsource your SEO services, knowing a few detailed easy to fix elements on your website are critical. Efforts to drive organic traffic to your e-commerce business that creates conversion is your responsibility and it requires effort!

Understanding a few basic sites on-page optimization features will make the average person look like a genius while optimizing an e-commerce store. If you are feeling overwhelmed at this point, don't be. Crawlfrog SEO Hampton Roads, VA, has laid out a few simple guides that you can identify and fix immediately to create the results you have always wanted. Follow these guidelines and your business website will stand out from your competitors and grow revenue once and for all.

Upon identifying the low hanging opportunities on your website, strategically take action. If you are not comfortable doing so, we understand. Reach out to Crawlfrog and complete our free SEO consultation form. We will guide you through the process of being #1 on SERP (search engine result page) and increase website traffic to your business. We will ultimately show you how to bring organic traffic to your website and scale your brand.

Below we have gathered the 5 essential website features that are too often overlooked. There are many other site elements that need attention, but we consider our mentioned list, extremely important. If optimizing efforts are incorrectly done, it may be detrimental to your company getting noticed or generate the right organic traffic that leads to conversion in a very competitive digital world.

Identify these crucial and straightforward SEO elements. Easy Fixes.

Develop Unique and Engaging Website Landing Pages:

Creating distinct and captivating landing pages tailored to specific target audiences is crucial for effective SEO. Each page should offer valuable content, be well-structured, and include relevant keywords. By addressing users' needs directly, you can improve user experience and boost your website's conversion rate.

Optimize Heading Tags Precisely:

Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) play a significant role in helping search engines understand the content's hierarchy on your webpage. By accurately optimizing these tags with relevant keywords and clear, concise headings, you enhance the page's SEO performance. This also makes it easier for users to navigate through your content.

Properly Name Your Site's Photos and Videos:

The names and alt text of images and videos on your website should be descriptive and relevant to their content. Search engines use this information to index and rank your media files. By incorporating target keywords into these names, you improve the chances of your multimedia content appearing in relevant search results.

Establish a Presence on social media:

Connecting your website to at least two prominent social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn) is essential for driving traffic and engagement. Share your valuable content across these platforms to expand your reach and attract potential customers. Social signals are also considered by search engines in determining a website's credibility and authority.

Prioritize and Fix High-Impact Website Features:

Identify and address the most impactful aspects of your website that can significantly influence user experience and search engine rankings. Focus on factors such as page loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and user-friendly navigation. Optimize these elements to ensure a seamless and pleasant browsing experience, which will lead to better SEO performance.

Monitor and Fine-Tune Your Efforts:

SEO is an ongoing process, and it is essential to monitor the results of your optimizations continually. Use analytics tools to track website traffic, bounce rates, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates. Based on the data, make necessary tweaks to further enhance your website's performance and improve your search engine rankings.

In conclusion, implementing these crucial and straightforward SEO elements will not only boost your website's visibility and ranking but also improve overall user experience. By focusing on unique landing pages, precise heading tags, proper media file names, social media integration, high-impact website features, and continuous monitoring, you will create a robust SEO strategy that yields long-term success. Keep in mind that SEO is an ever-evolving process, so stay up to date with industry trends and adapt your approach accordingly.

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